Within the immersive confines of a virtual world, a simulated reality, neuroscience student Dade Simmons embarks on a transformative journey alongside three fellow students. An unforeseen calamity befalls the students when a sinister force, long-dormant inside Dade’s psyche, is inadvertently unleashed inside the simulation. The once serene virtual world swiftly descends into a nightmarish realm where the student’s suffering becomes the dark entity’s sustenance. To escape the hellish realm, the students must confront both the nefarious entity and the shadows lurking within their minds.
Imagine engaging in a technology that can take your consciousness into a simulated world, a world that is as vividly real as what we call "reality." Now imagine that world being invaded by a malevolent force that turns the simulation into a nightmarish realm where the malignant entity that haunts it feeds on human suffering.
Fear not the death of the body. Fear the Shadow of the mind.
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